Site policy

This website ( is operated by Global Sky Group (hereinafter referred to as GSG).

When using this website, please note the following:

1. Copyright and trademark rights

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Without the prior written consent of GSG, it is forbidden to divert or reproduce part or all of this information as is or with modifications beyond the scope of private use or other uses expressly permitted by law.

2. Disclaimer

Use of this website is at your own risk and GSG shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage incurred while using this website.

Although GSG has taken great care when posting information on this website, GSG does not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, suitability for the purpose of use or safety of the content of this website.

GSG may change or delete the content of the website, or suspend or discontinue the operation of the website itself without prior notice.

3. Links to the website

In principle, you are free to link to this website. However, GSG reserves the right to refuse links from websites that it deems inappropriate.

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当ウェブサイト(www.globalskygroup.comはGlobal Sky Group(以下、GSG)が運営しています。











当ウェブサイトからもしくはこのウェブサイトへのリンクを貼っている、GSG以外の第三者が運営するウェブサイト(以下「リンクサイト」と呼びます。) は、それぞれの責任で管理されているものであり、GSGの管理下にあるものではありません。 
